Freelance Trainers, Assesors & IQA

Reach more customers, advertise your services and qualifications, Get full accreditation. Earn from online/blended courses
If you are a freelance Trainer or assessor or are an IQA or offer any other service then you can advertise your services and qualifications and any Accreditation or registration with an AO i.e., NUCO, Qualsafe, QNUK etc.or if you are independent show your clients you meet the required standards and get feedback and ratings for your services.
Help develop the First Aid Industry and share your expertise and professionalism by create your own online training courses or CPD courses to sell or give to other mebers.
Get online IQA and CPD for your training and support and first aid updates.
Pick which membership suits your needs and then choose which Package is best for you
You can always upgrade at a later date.