First aid terminology
First aid terminology vs common language
In most walks of life there are lots of multiple meanings of words and language in normal use and there use in legal terms. I.E owning a “dangerous dog” is different than owning a “dog that’s dangerous”. Also words like “Must” and “Should” could have different legal meanings.
Most marketing Ideas use theses misunderstanding to gain advantages or to discredited other… This is no different in the first aid world, where we hear or see the term “unregulated training” or I “provide in-house training”. None of these are true and can affect your business and training.
Some use of words and language are still open to interpretation and normally in end only rely on legal court “stated cases” as a reference in disagreements. (Don’t be that first “stated case)
We all look to follow the HSE geis 2018 guidelines, this is also what the public should look at and hopefully understand (Not many even know they should do this as a legal requirement.)
Regulated qualifications
This is normally referred to as being with an (AO) etc
Never use the term “unregulated training” all training should be regulated by someone, there should be a named person to ensure quality. It gives those who don’t know the language room for doubt and discredit your training. We normally understand regulated qualifications are courses regulated by regulated “Awarding Organisation” (AO)
We don’t want to try to mislead or give false advertising, but you can use the terms “Self-regulated course” or “Training provider regulated” or a different term to reflect your training Like “Quality assured training” “HSE Compliant training”
Courses with an AO are often “off the peg training” and don’t give much room for tailoreing the training to meet the clients needs assessment
Accredited Training
This is normally referred to like an (FAIB like SMP FAIB or other FAIBs) etc
Accredited training refers to being registered with a “voluntary accreditation scheme” which operates the same or better quality assurance as an AO. and can also accredit your bespoke training tailored to meet your clients needs assessments
Independent Training providers
This is referred to as operating independently
Independent training providers can have sometimes have the highest quality assurance and checks than any other organisation including (AO). Any other training provider who provides training can use any terms they see fit as long as its not in an to mislead or give false advertising so again “Quality assured training” “HSE Compliant training” Can be used. Anyone can accredit or endorse your training but again we don’t want to try to mislead or give false advertising . So you could have a deal with an organisation that has selected you for training so you can say “County Cricket board endorsed training” or “approved training” etc.
In-House Training.
This is referred to an organisation or company doing their own training within.
in house training means to Training/learning for employees led by the company itself. It is wrongly used to describe we provide the training in their Company/house, i.e we come go to them
But it means different in First aid terms, No First aid training provider should offer “in house training”, as that is a different part of the guidelines.
Voluntary Aid Societies
These organisations (St John Ambulance, British Red Cross and St Andrew’s First Aid). Are self-regulated, they don’t use the term regulated or accredited training.
EYFS Statutory framework
They write a paragraph explaining their use of words and meaning.
“The learning and development requirements in sections 1 and 2 of this framework, and the safeguarding and welfare requirements in section 3 of this framework, are indicated by the use of the word “must”. Additionally, early years providers must “have regard” to other provisions in these sections. These provisions are indicated by the use of the word “should”. “Having regard” to these provisions means that early years providers must take them into account when providing early years provision and should not depart from them unless there is good reason for doing so. “
They have had the same issue and have released a statement by HSE 10 Dec 21 HSE approval of first aid providers or qualifications Since an amendment to the Regulations in 2013, HSE does not have the responsibility or authority to approve first aid training providers or qualifications, with the exception of those operating in the offshore industry.
Providers should not therefore use language on literature or websites that could be perceived as their products having HSE approval, such as ‘HSE approved’, ‘HSE endorsed’ or ‘HSE recognised’.
Training providers should take immediate steps to remove any such statements.
Course names.
Level 2 or 3 etc is a term normally used for the courses by the national qualification regulators (Ofqual, SQA or Qualification Wales) Although you could use a “level” on your courses we don’t want to try to mislead or give false advertising. You can name your courses anything you want, and the syllabus can contain anything the customers requires as it should meet their needs assessment. Where you choose to use qualifications other than FAW or EFAW to demonstrate workplace first- aid competence, you should ensure that common elements of the syllabus are taught in accordance with the same guidelines. And the syllabus is on the certificate. We advise to use the common terms for courses, in the title this then prevents any confusion and prevents any misleading or give false advertising
First aid needs assessment and Due Diligence
All training must be tailored to meet the client’s needs assessment and appropriate to the circumstances of their workplace (First Aid needs Assessment). The client has a legal duty and responsibility (Due Diligence) to choose the most appropriate and adequate training. Just because some has a “Regulated qualification” in FAW it may still not be enough to meet the client’s needs assessment in another work environment with different hazards This is the same for Paediatric certificates or other equivalent training.
Language and words and there meaning are always on the change, please let us know if you have found any other words that mean different in first aid terms. Or have a different interpretation to the above.