First aid terminology

First aid terminology First aid terminology vs common language In most walks of life there are lots of multiple meanings of words and language in normal use and there use in legal terms. I.E owning a “dangerous dog” is different than owning a “dog that’s dangerous”....

First Aid training COVID guidelines

COVID Guidelines for First Aid Training Guidelines as of 6 Jan 2022Remember the legal requirement for face coverings came in force on the 4 Jan 22 the rest is strongly recommended guidelines, you should have a risk assessment in place to address theses.Temperate...

Warning “HSE Approved “First Aid!

Statement By HSE 10 Dec 21 HSE approval of first aid providers or qualifications Since an amendment to the Regulations in 2013, HSE does not have the responsibility or authority to approve first aid training providers or qualifications, with the exception of those...

Best Apps to download

Best Apps The SMP First Aid Hub recommends apps for first aiders to download to get the most support available. Which ones do you find the...